Integrated Experience I,  Professionalism,  Role of a Nurse

Collaboration in Nursing

When I was searching for a photo that resembled collaboration, I came across this one which really jumped out at me. Collaboration is something that is easily overlooked in many professions where working together is so crucial to success. Nursing is no exception to this, and frequently in the nursing field there is tension between coworkers and other members of the health care team. This picture demonstrates a concept that I always try to live by, which is that by working together, you can come up with a better solution/idea than you could have alone. Everyone’s opinions and ideas are so unique and valuable in healthcare, no matter what role you play in healthcare. A CNA’s ideas are just as important as nurse’s or even a doctor’s, because they may have a different perspective from spending time with a patient. For example, it is very common for nurses to catch allergies that the patient didn’t mention previously, or medication errors made by the provider. Overall, collaboration is better for the patient, which is the center of nursing care.


  • Hanna Freeman

    I really like the photo you chose to symbolize collaboration. I agree with you that collaboration is so easy to overlook even though it is crucial for most professions. With any healthcare profession it is so important to work as a team and in some cases that team becomes opponent because of tension that arises. When collaboration does not happen that’s when errors are more likely to occur. I liked the point you made about everyone in healthcare have different ideas that are all so unique and valuable. Collaboration manifests better care for the patient because like you said a better solution or idea comes from working with others. This is a great mindset to have going into nursing to help make sure the patients care is the best it can be. Great post!

  • Jordan Moores

    I love this picture that you chose to represent collaboration in the healthcare setting. I think your picture’s idea is similar to mine. In my picture, I found that it represented the efforts that a group can make and how they create better outcomes. I think your picture shows a similar idea in the sense that two ideas collaborated together can create a much better solution to a problem. It makes me view collaboration in a different light because in healthcare, working together can make or break someone’s day or even their life. So, it is essential to emphasize the importance of working together as a functioning team as a nurse. Really good job! 🙂

  • sjones29

    Hi Shannon!
    I love your picture and your reasoning behind choosing it. You are absolutely correct, nursing is no exception to collaboration. We use it everyday! The entire healthcare team comes together to get to the main goal: getting the patient better. I agree with you, I think that everyone should have a voice in their care for the patients. However, sometimes they don’t, but I think the more we work to correct it, the more likely that this will become a more profound thing in our field. I think that we are getting to such a good point in our field with collaboration; everyone in the last few years I have worked has gotten much better about helping others and listening to their ideas. Great job!

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